Brad Pitt made his debut as the first male face of Chanel's iconic No.5 fragrance on Monday, in an ad campaign that had fans and fashionistas split on the actor's latest role. Pitt, 48, is seen with long hair and dressed casually, looking wistfully into the camera in an enigma tic black-and-white video.
"It's not a journey. Every journey ends, but we go on. The world turns, and we turn with it. Plans disappear, dreams take over. But wherever I go, there you are, my luck, my fate, my fortune. Chanel No.5, inevitable," the "Moneyball" actor says.
The video is part of a $10 million advertising campaign for which Pitt was paid $7 million. Pitt is the first male spokesperson for women's fragrance Chanel No.5
Discover part one of the new CHANEL N°5 film. Starring Brad Pitt. Click here to watch the video...
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